Make a Donation

Donate to MEND and help MEND poverty

Your support makes a difference to MEND!

I would like my gift to be used:

Where it is most needed

For one of the following MEND programs:

Donation Amount (US Dollars)  

    $12.50 for a Life Changing Food Box
Other amount:       

Make My Donation a Recurring Pledge:

Donation is in response to: 

Other Please explain

Gift of Love Recipient Information (optional)

I'd like to make this donation:
 on behalf of   or  
in memory of

Step 2. Donor Information

Were you referred to MEND's Donation program by a friend or coworker?
Please tell us their name so we can thank them too:

Donor's Name:


Address 2 (optional):

City, State & Zip:


Day Phone with extension:

Join Us!
Sign up to receive MEND's Newsletter
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MEND is in my will
Please send me information about providing for MEND in my will
Donation notes

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Step 3. Payment Information

MEND gladly Accepts
MEND accepts MasterCard
MEND accepts VISA
MEND accepts American Express
MEND accepts Discover Card
Click to donate through

Name on your Credit Card:
Credit card number:
Exp. Date:
CVV code:

Other ways to give

MEND Legacy Society >
Give a gift of a lifetime and break the bonds of poverty for MEND's future clients. MEND's Legacy Society recognizes donors who have provided for MEND with a planned gift of any size. Learn How
Donate Goods to MEND >
Pave a pathway to self-reliance for our clients by donating goods to MEND.
Click HERE for a list of items we need.
Donate by Stock, Mutual Fund, or Wire >
For more information, on how to donate by stock, mutual fund or wire, contact at 818-686-7353.
Donate by Mail

If you prefer to mail your donation, please make check payable to MEND and mail to:

Meet Each Need with Dignity

10641 N. San Fernando Road
Pacoima, CA 91331
(818) 896-0246
Fax: (818) 897‐0128